Showcasing Our Talent
An Assorted Series of Technology Products We Have Worked On

A 360-degree survey engine assists millennials with Leadership & Career decisions
A Fleet startup leverages the power of the Cloud to perform Trucking compliance
HyperTrends Global Inc.TM was responsible for Product Strategy, Design, Development and Cloud Deployment of the BluAgent platform.
The Platform was developed using Angular JavaScript framework with backend APIs written using .NET/C# with MongoDB, SQL Server and Microsoft Azure as the underlying technologies.
BluAgent won some nods from the Startup community including acceptance from Startup Next LA and EvoNexus San Diego.
Anup Marwadi joined BluAgent as a founding CTO and was instrumental in shaping the product strategies.

Event Ticketing Company leverages REST API and Microservices to deliver Enterprise Software

HyperTrends Global Inc.TM assist TicketSocket in building Product Roadmaps, differentiation strategies, Enterprise SaaS platform with its cutting edge API skills.
TicketSocket builds Seated Venue Maps, Recurring Events, Season Events and Event Packages to establish itself as a leader in the White-Label Ticketing arena.
Door Manufacturing Company virtualizes their entire operations with an 8-yr engagement

Fundraising Startup Spledger develops Web, iPhone and Android Apps

Performance based fundraising Startup Spledger selects HyperTrends Global Inc.TM as its development partner to build a fundraising platform.
HyperTrends Global Inc.TM assists in building an Android App, an iPhone app, a powerful REST API as well as fundraising platform using ASP.NET MVC.
Education giant NRCCUA (National Research Center for College & University Admisisons) enlists HyperTrends Global Inc.TM for over 7 years to build multiple Education platforms

HyperTrends assists NRCCUA in building multiple platforms including Lead Delivery, Content Management Systems (Kentico CMS), the Education & Scholarship Research platform among others.
Pharma Startup Pharmly enlists HyperTrends Global Inc.TM to build its startup. Wins TechCrunch Disrupt San Diego.

HyperTrends Global Inc.TM assists Pharmly in building an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that allowed Pharmly to secure a spot in the coveted Blue Startups Accelerator program in Honolulu, Hawaii. Pharmly also wins TechCrunch Disrupt award.
Anup Marwadi joined the Pharmly team as a founding CTO.
LeadCube enlists HyperTrends to build a Lead Platform serving multiple verticals

LeadCube is a Lead Generation, Verification, Exchange and Distribution platform to connect Lead Buyers and Sellers on a single platform.
HyperTrends was responsible for the Brand Development, UI/UX Development and Web Platform Development using ASP.NET MVC/C#.
HyperTrends assists Pharmly in building an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that allowed Pharmly to secure a spot in the coveted Blue Startups Accelerator program in Honolulu, Hawaii. Pharmly also wins TechCrunch Disrupt award.
Anup Marwadi joined the Pharmly team as a founding CTO.