Minimum Viable Products (MVP): Their Role in the Developing Great Products

Aditya ReddyProduct Development

In the fast-paced world of product development, the concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) has become a cornerstone strategy, especially here at HyperTrends. Whether you’re a startup or an established company, launching an MVP is a critical step in validating your product idea while minimizing risks and optimizing resources. What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? An MVP is … Read More

Product Mindset is a Competitive Advantage

Aditya ReddyProduct Development

As a product manager at HyperTrends, I’ve come to realize that cultivating a product mindset isn’t just reserved for those of us steering the product ship. In fact, it’s a transformative skill that benefits every member of the team, from developers to designers and project managers alike. Marty Cagan, a leading authority on building products that customers love, has a … Read More

ASP.NET Core Development Rocks – 2020 Stack Overflow Survey

Anup Marwadi.NET

ASP.NET Core Development Rocks! The StackOverflow Survey ranks it as one of the most loved frameworks. Even above ReactJs and we totally get it!! At HyperTrends, we perform all of our front-end Web Application Development using ReactJs. However, when it comes to the backend REST APIs, C# and ASP.NET Core take the coveted number 1 spot. We are also heavily … Read More

Simple Strategies to turbo-charge Agile Velocity in SaaS Platforms

Anup MarwadiUncategorizedLeave a Comment

“Agile Software Development” – the key to getting things done better and faster. Then why is it that we still see many Software Development companies fail to deliver high quality software with great velocity? Having good programmers on the team is just one part of the equation (albeit an important one). In this article, we discuss some of simple strategies … Read More

I Have A Product Idea. Can You Help Me Build A Product?

Anup MarwadiUncategorizedLeave a Comment

Running a custom Software Development Agency is a blessing in disguise. Running a custom Software Development Agency is a blessing in disguise. We hear many amazing product ideas on a daily basis. The potential of these ideas changing the world is amazing. It is so common for us to find entrepreneurs with some unique ideas on a near daily basis. … Read More

Software Development Company Engagement Models

Anup MarwadiSoftwareLeave a Comment

A Typical Day In The Life Of A Software Development Company You signed a big contract with your customers. You bid on a great set of requirements that you and your customers mutually agreed upon. You spent a week identifying all functional elements you thought you would add to the system you are about to build. You did this at … Read More

5 Ways to Build Quality Software

Anup MarwadiSoftwareLeave a Comment

5 Ways to Build Quality Software

Building Software is a tedious process, building quality software is even harder. Often times, the lack of a strong foundation results in immense frustration for Software Developers and stakeholders. To add to that, many Software vendors do not pick the right approach in building software. Many companies also rush through the process of developing a product in order to meet … Read More